CIEM Forecasts Higher Growth for Vietnam in 2023 Compared to Many Countries

According to the Central Institute for Economic Management's forecast, Vietnam's GDP growth for 2023 is expected to reach 5.19%.

While this is lower than the 8.02% growth in 2022, it still surpasses the growth rates of many countries in the region and globally.

The macroeconomic indicators, crucial for capital needs in development, especially public investment, have been performing well. In the first 11 months, disbursements reached VND 461 trillion, a 6.7% increase compared to the same period in 2022 and a substantial VND 122.6 trillion absolute increase.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) attraction for the first 11 months is estimated at $28.8 billion in registered capital, with $20.2 billion in realized capital. This marks the highest realized capital in the past 5 years. Additionally, Vietnam has managed inflation effectively, staying within the government's target of 4.5% outlined in Resolution 01.

Despite these positive results, CIEM's research group highlights some challenges that could impact Vietnam's economic growth in 2023. While the projected economic growth of 5.19% is significant, it falls short of the set target of 6.5%, affecting the development trajectory for 2025 and 2030.

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