The rise of Organic agriculture

In the context of increasing concerns about food safety and the quality of agricultural products, the development of organic agricultural production has been a promising direction in Quang Tri Province. This direction has gained solid beginnings.

 The brand "Trieu Phong Clean rice" is becoming well-known - Photo: T.L

The brand "Trieu Phong Clean rice" is becoming well-known - Photo: T.L

Up to now, the production of agricultural products by natural farming methods in Trieu Phong District has become a movement. Previously, when being supported by the Korea International Cooperation Agency and World Vision International to deploy the model, the people of the communes in the project area had little faith in this model. Some of them still thought that there was no other way to prevent pests and diseases and to help the fruit to reproduce other than using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. That mindset has completely changed since the Korean experts came to villages and hamlets with an "on-the-job training" method. From a few initial trial hectares, many people inside and outside the project area in Trieu Phong District have joined hands with the natural farming model with the principle: "No chemical fertilizers, no pesticides and herbicides”. On average each year, local people produced more than 100 hectares of rice and vegetables using the natural farming method. Dozens of models to raise chickens and pigs using natural manufactured products were created due to the guidance of Korean experts. Products from this model have been favored and highly appreciated by customers in many localities inside and outside the province. In particular, the process of producing Trieu Phong Clean rice won the first prize for eco-friendly technology in 2017 at the international conference on eco-friendly technology which took place in Seoul, Korea. In 2019, Trieu Phong naturally cultivated rice was certified for Vietnamese organic quality and recognized by the Provincial People's Committee as a 4-star OCOP product.

In Vinh Linh and Gio Linh districts, via programs and projects, nearly 170 hectares of pepper have been cultivated by farmers in accordance with the organic process. Since 2018, 132 farming households in the hamlets of Gio An Commune, including: Tan Van, Hao Son, An Nha, An Huong, Xuan Hoa, have cooperated with ‘Organics More Company Limited’ to produce and consume organic pepper with an area of 62.6 ha. The good news is that these products were awarded USDA and European organic certifications by the Control Union – the European independent assessment organization. In 2019, people in the project area sold 18 tons of organic pepper to the company at a price of 78,000 VND/kg which was 18,000 - 20,000 VND/kg higher than the market price. This is considered a new breakthrough in the direction for the Quang Tri pepper industry to penetrate potential markets in Europe and other countries.

The phrase "organic agriculture" has never been more interesting to businesses and people. The demand for safe food has become the "catalyst" for organic farming to "take the throne". Taking this opportunity, leaders of Quang Tri Province have issued several important resolutions and policies to develop organic agriculture. The goal is to help the province become a pioneer in large-scale organic agricultural production associated with key products such as: High-quality organic rice, Quang Tri pepper, Arabica coffee, speciality fruit trees, etc.

The superiors and leaders of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development have focused on drastically and effectively implementing various solutions to develop organic agriculture. The growth model is oriented to convert from quantity to quality and value according to the link chain. Department leaders encourage the application of new technical advances and technologies. The mobilization of the support from programs, projects and businesses has been paid special attention to. Department officials focus on raising awareness and advocacy to help farmers understand the benefits, importance and meaning of organic agricultural production.

Thereby, models of organic farming in the area were born, bringing joy to the people. In addition to the model of agricultural production according to the natural farming method in Trieu Phong District and the organic pepper production model in Gio Linh andVinh Linh Districts, many typical models have achieved initial results that can be mentioned such as: The model of organic rice associated production on large fields of Dai Nam Production and Trade Co., Ltd. Quang Tri Organic Agro Products Joint Stock Company; planting organic oranges on nearly 20 hectares in districts: Gio Linh, Cam Lo, Huong Hoa, Hai Lang; vegetable production applying Obi-Ong organic technology in Dong Thanh Ward, Dong Ha City; planting red and purple dragon fruit organically in Ward 3 (Dong Ha City) and Vinh Thuy Commune (Vinh Linh Cistrict) with a scale of nearly 10 hectares; the organic coffee model with a scale of 19 hectares in Huong Phung Commune, Huong Hoa District. Notably, Dai Nam Production and Trade Co., Ltd., Quang Tri Organic Agro Products Joint Stock Company signed a contract with 6 cooperatives, cooperation groups in 4 districts are to build organic rice production areas with a total area of nearly 800 hectares. This model has achieved high efficiency on all three aspects related to the economy, society and environment. For each hectare of organic rice, farmers in the province earn a profit of 26 to 38 million dong per crop, which is much higher when compared to mass production.

Currently, Quang Tri Province continues to focus, develop and expand the area of organic agricultural production, natural farming, concentrating on key products with competitive advantages such as high quality rice, pepper, coffee, oranges, avocados, bananas, passion fruit and medicinal herbs. The organic production area of all crops strives to reach 5,000 ha - 10,000 ha by 2025.

Tay Long

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