4 Quang Tri specialties are among the top dishes and gift specialties in Vietnam

Vietnam Record Organization (Vietkings) and Top Vietnam Organization (VietTop) have officially announced the top 100 Vietnamese specialties and top 100 specialties for Vietnamese gifts (2020 - 2021). for delicious dishes, unique products across the country. The good news is that in this selection round, Quang Tri has up to 4 dishes and gift specialties included in the list.

 Hai Lang Vac giuong porridge is a favorite dish - Photo: Q.H

Hai Lang Vac giuong porridge is a favorite dish - Photo: Q.H

Two specialties of Quang Tri are in the top 100 of Vietnamese specialties (2020 - 2021): "Hai Lang Vac giuong" porridge and Mai Xa mussels noodle. "Sai market nem" and La Vang tea in the top 100 specialties of Vietnamese gifts (2020-2021). This is good news for the people of Quang Tri.

It is known that with the top of Vietnamese specialties, specialties for gifts, "Hai Lang Vac giuong" porridge and Mai Xa mussels noodle. "Sai market nem" and La Vang tea and introduced on the portal. of the Vietnam Record Organization, the Top Vietnam Organization, the Global Vietnamese Record Organization, on the media channels of the Vietnam Record system ... In the near future, the leaders of VietKings and VietTop will award the certificate. and badges for leaders of Quang Tri province and localities whose dishes and specialties are among the top specialties, specialties for gifts of Vietnam (2020 - 2021).

Quang Hiep

Nguồn Quảng Trị: http://www.baoquangtri.vn/default.aspx?tabid=107&modid=510&itemid=155916