Bac Giang accelerates pace of new-style rural area building programme

The northern province of Bac Giang is working to remove difficulties in the building of new-style rural areas in order to accelerate the pace of the work in the locality, according to deputy director of the province's department of agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Van Doanh.

Farm work has been merchanised in Tang Tien commune of Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province, under the new-style rural area building programme (Photo: VNA)

Doanh, who is also chief of the coordinating office of the new-style rural area building programme in Bac Giang, said the province aims to have 25 more communes meet all criteria of new rural areas this year.

Towards the goal, district and city People’s Committees will guide communes in speeding up the pace of construction and paper work for infrastructure projects in their management. For localities that have not designed detailed plans for investment disbursement or not disbursed any allocated investment by June 30 this year, the provincial steering board for new rural area building will ask the provincial People’s Committee to redirect investment to other localities.

District and city People’s Committee will pay more attention to the criterion on environment, particularly the collection and treatment of waste, and campaigns mobilizing local communities to engage in clean-up activities. Communes that have already met all criteria for new rural areas will build plans and roadmaps to implement criteria for model rural areas to 2020. The province aims to have nine pilot villages in building model rural areas earn recognition before September 30 this year.

Lang Giang district is instructed to build plans to pilot the implementation of criteria for a model rural district while pushing forward the building of model rural areas in its communes, towards the goal of earning recognition as a new rural district this year. Tan Yen district is required to devise specific tasks in order to complete all criteria for new rural district by 2020.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Duong Van Thai requested that districts and cities should focus more attention on new rural area building in the remaining months of the year in order to fulfil the yearly goal in this realm. The 25 communes registering to become new rural areas this year are working hard on unfulfilled criteria.

Thai noted that efforts should be focused on developing production and raising local incomes as this is the core criterion. Besides, the allocation of resources should also be accelerated.

In the first five months of this year, four communes in Bac Giang completed all criteria for new-style rural areas and are waiting for approval, which are Nha Nam and Ngoc Van in Tan Yen district, Bac Ly in Hiep Hoa district, and Bo Ha in Yen The district.

Lang Giang district has fulfilled five out of the nine criteria for new-style rural district.

District authorities continue to provide assistance to communes registering to reach the goal of becoming new-style rural areas this year. Lang Giang district has given each commune 3 billion VND (over 128,420 USD) and cement to each commune to build roads and cultural houses for hamlets. Luc Nam district granted each commune 2.5 billion VND while Luc Ngan district allocated 12.5 billion VND in total for the purpose. The remaining districts support each commune with 1 – 2 billion VND.

So far localities in Bac Giang province have built 48.5 km of roads, 60 cultural houses of communes and hamlets, 15 sport facilities, 25 waste collection points, 45 cemeteries, 25 classrooms and three water supply facilities, and concretised nearly 8 km of in-field canals.

The National Target Programme on New-style Rural Area Building, initiated by the Government in 2010, sets 19 criteria on socio-economic development, politics, and defence, aiming to boost rural regions of Vietnam.

The number of criteria was increased to 20 in 2015.

The list of criteria includes the development of infrastructure, the improvement of production capacity, environmental protection, and the promotion of cultural values.



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