Strengthening cooperation and implementation of foreign non-governmental aid programs in Quang Tri in the period 2020 - 2025

The Provincial People's Committee in collaboration with the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations held a conference on strengthening cooperation and implementing the foreign non-governmental aid (NGO) program in Quang Tri province, 2020 - 2025. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Hung; Head of the National Assembly delegation of Hoang Duc Thang province; Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Nguyen Tran Huy; Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Nam; Nearly 200 representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, international organizations and NGOs, and international donors attended the conference.

 Signing cooperation agreement between Quang Tri province and foreign organizations in the period 2020 - 2025 - Photo: T.T

Signing cooperation agreement between Quang Tri province and foreign organizations in the period 2020 - 2025 - Photo: T.T

This conference aims to strengthen cooperation and implementation of the local NGO aid program for the period 2020 - 2025 through the assessment of the results of the implementation of NGO aid mobilization in the period 2014-2019. According to the report on the mobilization of NGO aid activities in Quang Tri province for the period of 2014 - 2019, there are a total of 67 NGOs and international organizations operating with 226 aid projects with a total value of non-refundable aid. committed is $ 99,344,266. Average number of new projects and non-project aid in the years is 38 projects / year. In which, 2017 was the year with the highest aid value ever with more than 30 million USD. The programs and projects of NGOs / donors focus on implementation in the areas of: War consequences recovery, health care, education and training, solving social problems, people with disabilities. disability, natural disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency relief ...

The conference has two sessions with 10 presentations of agencies and units in the province and representatives of international organizations and NGOs, international donors. The speakers focused on mentioning and clarifying two topics to strengthen cooperation between Quang Tri province and partners in the period 2020 - 2025 in the fields of supporting socio-economic development and response to gas change. post and mine overcoming, solving social problems.

Speaking at the conference, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Nam thanked the support of the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, the Government, ministries, central agencies, the attention and direction of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, for assistance important support of donors, foreign diplomatic missions in Vietnam, international organizations, and close cooperation of NGOs in the implementation of programs and projects in Vietnam. Quang Tri. Receiving and acknowledging the comments made at the conference, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Hoang Nam province emphasized that the comments vividly outlined the efforts of all levels, sectors, and donors. International organizations and NGOs have been accompanying in the cooperation process in resolving the priority issues of the province in recent years. At the same time, affirming the consistent policy of the province in directing the local authorities to create favorable conditions, closely coordinate with NGOs and partners to receive and implement for the right purpose, Effective aid in the coming time.

At the conference, Quang Tri province signed cooperation agreements with 6 organizations: MAG, Peace Trees Vietnam, Plan International; Zhishan Foundation, Projec Vietnam Foundation and Medipeace. In addition, USAID committed to sponsor 8 million USD, equivalent to 184 billion VND. The total budget committed to sponsor the new stage of organizations is 51.8 million USD, equivalent to about 1,200 billion VND.

On this occasion, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Hung awarded certificates of merit to 10 typical groups and 11 individuals of NGOs, agencies and localities for their outstanding achievements in mobilization. NGO support for the period 2014 - 2019.

Also within the framework of the conference, the delegates visited a number of programs and projects to support the development and recovery of landmine / UXO consequences in Dakrong and Trieu Phong districts.

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