Successfully produced green tea soluble tea

Con Co island district is a place with rich, diverse and potential ecosystems. In particular, the 3-storey tropical forest on the island is a fairly rare forest ecosystem that is well preserved and protected. In the ideal natural conditions, Con Co Island owns a highly developed ancient medicinal plant. The people here are exploiting the ancient cyan tree to dry and drink. This method reduces the product value and effectiveness of this precious herb. To improve the efficiency of use, the economic value of the ancient gazebo, to promote and encourage people to conserve and multiply the area by properly exploiting and planting this tree, Department of Science and Technology (S&T) has built a provincial science and technology project 'Research on production and commercialization of ancient ancient herbal tea with natural ingredients on Con Co island'. The Center for S&T Research, Application and Information in the province presided over the implementation so far has achieved good results.

 Staff of the Department of Science and Technology surveyed the source of cyanobacteria in Con Co island to serve the project - Photo: T.C.L

Staff of the Department of Science and Technology surveyed the source of cyanobacteria in Con Co island to serve the project - Photo: T.C.L

Cyanophyta is a herbal plant that has many uses such as fat loss, blood fat lowering, liver protection by enhancing liver cell detoxification and regeneration, lowering and stabilizing blood pressure, preventing cardiovascular diseases, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of stroke, reduce blood sugar and prevent complications of diabetes, create good sleep, help eat well, laxative, reduce stress and fatigue, increase working capacity ... According to analysis and inspection at the Institute of Medicinal Materials, the Ministry of Health, ancient ancient trees made in Con Co island are highly appreciated to contain active ingredient sapomin, which is a valuable active ingredient in ginseng.

Over the past years, the Provincial Center for Science and Technology Research, Application and Information has successfully researched and produced a variety of soluble functional foods that improve the quality and value of herbs such as: Melting Tralavang, Cauliflower - Cagali soluble Ganoderma, Dat Fire soluble Ganoderma ... From that result, this topic focuses on researching the production process and commercialization of ancient herbal tea products. bar from natural raw materials on Con Co island. The target is to evaluate the potential and ability to develop the cyanobacteria on Con Co island; The herbal ingredients in cyanobacteria in the island were quantified to compare the quality of medicinal herbs with the source of cyanobacteria in other regions of the country. Researching and perfecting the technology of extracting, crushing and drying and mixing the products to satisfy quality criteria such as taste, color, humidity, food hygiene and safety ...

The Center has coordinated with the People's Committee of Con Co island district to implement tasks such as: Organizing training courses on harvesting techniques, conservation and preliminary processing of cyanobacteria for the people exploiting in the island district. 20 households living in Con Co island district have been equipped with basic knowledge about botanical features, growth and development conditions, uses of this medicinal plant, collection methods, preliminary methods. processing the cyanobacteria from cutting, drying, preserving to ensure quality, not spreading widely, not uprooting the whole root during harvesting to create a cycle for plants to grow again.

After 18 months of implementation, up to now the project has been completed with the product of 3,000 boxes of ancient lam ancient tea; completing the process of collecting and preliminarily processing cyanobacteria in natural conditions; build the vacuum extraction and concentration process; drying process for high-dry products; the process of crushing and mixing dissolved products; results of quality analysis; packaging design, product packaging. The results of analyzing the content of sapomin active substances in the product and the results of quality analysis of the Con Co ancient saffron instant tea meet the requirements of the Ministry of Health. The research team has come up with 4 complete processes from preliminary processing of herbal inputs to finishing production of final products to consumers.Currently, the ancient lam tea products have been supplied to Con Co island district to commercialize and introduce typical products of the island district to domestic and foreign tourists.

The success of the topic has been confirmed by quality guaranteed instant tea products. However, for this topic to be widely applied in practice, it is necessary to have solutions to bring products into the market and develop sustainable sources of raw materials. The director of the Provincial Center for Science and Technology Research, Application and Information, in charge of the project Dao Ngoc Hoang said: This is a practical topic with high applicability, so it is necessary to continue to support the promotion. products in conferences and fairs across the country, to connect product support to Con Co island district to bring products to consumers, especially tourists in the island. Currently, raw materials are exploited completely naturally, so they are gradually exhausted. Therefore, it is necessary to have policies to support people to expand the existing raw material areas to meet the needs of production development after the topic is put into practice.

Tran Cat Linh

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