Supporting ethnic minority women to develop sustainable livelihoods and financial inclusion

This morning, October 8, 2020, the Women's Union of Quang Tri province cooperated with Plan Organization to organize a workshop to share experiences to support women in ethnic minorities (ethnic minorities) to develop sustainable livelihoods and financial inclusion.

 Delegates heard from Plan organization representatives to share their approaches and initiatives to support ethnic minority women in livelihood development - Photo: K.K.S

Delegates heard from Plan organization representatives to share their approaches and initiatives to support ethnic minority women in livelihood development - Photo: K.K.S

At the workshop, delegates heard representatives of Plan Organization share their approaches and initiatives to support ethnic minority women in livelihood development over the past years; the typical examples of ethnic minority women who develop well economically, successful female startups share experiences in economic development, effective poverty reduction; The Provincial Social Policy Bank provides information on the status of ethnic minority women accessing credit policies for socio-economic development.

The participants also focused on discussing the factors that make up the success of the models and initiatives; challenges and barriers that ethnic minority women face in accessing policies and developing livelihoods; solutions and coordination mechanisms among agencies, sectors, unions, units and localities in supporting ethnic minority women to develop sustainable livelihoods.

Through the workshop to share programs and policies of the Party and the State, experiences in implementing programs and projects to support ethnic minority women in economic development and financial inclusion; promote and improve the effectiveness of implementation of activities to support livelihood development for ethnic minority women and youth in the province.


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