Phuong Lang wet cake

QTO) - Like wet cakes in other parts of the country, the main ingredient for wet cakes in Phuong Lang is rice.

 Phuong Lang wet cake with Quang Tri pork- Photo: ST

Phuong Lang wet cake with Quang Tri pork- Photo: ST

After being washed, the rice is soaked in water for one night. Early the next morning, the baker will proceed to grind the rice into powdered water, then rinse it on steam. The way to coat the cake is very simple: use a cloth of moderate thickness, coat a layer of flour on it, then put on the boiler lid to boil the pot of water again.

After a while, take the cake out. The cake should be coated neither too thick nor too thin. Once coated, the cake will be stacked. Let the cake cool, then use or can use immediately. When using cakes, the seller will separate each cake, roll it up and put it on a plate.


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