Promote and promote community tourism products of ancient wells Gio An, Quang Tri province

At the headquarters of People's Committee of Gio An commune, Quang Tri province, the Center for Promotion of Investment, Trade and Tourism in coordination with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, People's Committee of Gio Linh district held a conference promoting and promoting tourism products of Gio An ancient well.

 Watercress lettuce is grown on rock fields, a specialty of Gio An land - Photo: Tran Tuyen

Watercress lettuce is grown on rock fields, a specialty of Gio An land - Photo: Tran Tuyen

According to the Center for Promotion of Investment, Trade and Tourism, Gio An commune is one of the localities with rich tourism resources; including a national special relic of Gio An ancient well system, extremely unique, known to many domestic and international tourists. In addition, Gio An has a long history of formation and development from a very early age, going through many dynasties and different cultures. There are also unique agricultural products such as watercress lettuce grown on a rocky field with a system of ditches leading by stone. Besides, with the characteristics of the hilly midland terrain, the wet rice cultivation along the hills and trenches creates very endemic terraced fields.

Therefore, this conference was held with the aim of building a model of community based tourism development associated with sustainable poverty reduction; raising awareness of the community in the exploitation, conservation and promotion of traditional values; environmental landscape protection, historical relics; enhance the ability of socio-economic development, promote the consumption of agricultural products ...

At the conference, representatives of Center for Investment Promotion, Trade and Tourism; Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and a large number of people in Gio An commune exchanged and discussed issues related to elements and solutions to develop community tourism; the potentials and advantages of developing the community based tourism in Gio An commune; effectiveness that community tourism brings to people. At the same time, proposing many ideas on community tourism development Gio An.

Vice Chairman of District People's Committee Gio Linh Duong Duc Hanh said that it is expected that the CBT model will be piloted in Hao Son village, Gio An commune. If in the future, Gio An ancient well community tourism is built and put into operation, this place will become a friendly and interesting destination for tourists, capable of welcoming about 10,000 visitors. each year. Thereby, contributing to increase income for at least 20% of the local population with difficulties through the provision of tourism products and services, contributing to promoting sustainable poverty reduction.

Tran Tuyen

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