Summary of the project 'Reduce the number of children with disabilities who are not rehabilitated and improve their quality of life'

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Medipeace Organization recently held a conference to review the project 'Reducing the number of children with disabilities without rehabilitation (rehabilitation) and improving the quality life '(projects) in 9 years 2012 - 2020.

 The project improves the quality of life and provides rehabilitation treatment for children with disabilities - Photo: Medipeace

The project improves the quality of life and provides rehabilitation treatment for children with disabilities - Photo: Medipeace

With funding from KOICA, Medipeace has implemented the project in Quang Tri province. KOICA and Medipeace contributed a total of 3 billion won over the nine years from 2012 to 2020, working together to improve quality of life and rehabilitation treatment for children with disabilities.

The project has organized many effective activities, especially Korean experts from Yonsei University, Seoul National University, Seoul Welfare Institute, and KCOC training to improve the team's rehabilitation capacity. local health workers and rehabilitation for children with disabilities. Built and operated 10 community rehabilitation rooms, daily rehabilitation treatment for 160 children.

The project provides equipment and aids to help more than 1,100 children with disabilities. In this project, Korean and local technicians visit, examine and treat at home for more than 1,200 disabled children; support for new construction and housing improvement for 120 families with children with disabilities, enabling children to move indoors and access to clean water, toilets, and outward mobility to increase their ability to live independently .

In addition, the project has a program "Happy Parents - Happy Children" that connects family members and changes parents' behavior in daily communication with children. Helping to establish the Disability Rehabilitation Coordination Committee in Gio Linh, Hai Lang, Trieu Phong and Cam Lo districts. The Provincial and District Disability Rehabilitation Coordination Board operates effectively, connecting with branches and localities in implementing activities to assist people with disabilities in the province.

In order to continue promoting the project's achievements and expanding the welfare services for people with disabilities across the province, with the help of Medipeace, KOICA and related ministries, central agencies, Quang Tri province has building the project "Center for social protection - rehabilitation for people with disabilities in Quang Tri province".

This project was submitted to KOICA - Korea by the Government of Vietnam and approved by KOICA - Korea in the Summary of Project Proposal. In the coming time, KOICA will continue to survey the feasibility of project implementation in 2022.

Hoai Nhung

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