Văn Hậu báo tin buồn đến ĐT Việt Nam sau khi HLV Troussier rời ghế

Văn Hậu chưa bình phục chấn thương hoàn toàn và tại đám cưới của Quang Hải, anh vẫn bước đi tập tễnh.

Economic Watch: Vietnamese farmers eye multibillion-dollar Chinese market

As Vietnamese agricultural exporters reviewed the figures of 2023, a new trend caught their eyes -- the actual demand from Chinese consumers went beyond their initial projection.

US Businesses Pledge Further Investment in Vietnam During Meeting with Prime Minister

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh meets with US-ASEAN Business Council delegation, receives strong commitments; outlines priorities for cooperation, including green economy and technology transfer.

Vietnam National Assembly Removes Vo Van Thuong as President, Appoints Vo Thi Anh Xuan as Acting President

Amidst misconduct allegations, Vo Van Thuong resigns; Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan named interim successor.

Tech Giants Lam Research and Seojin Explore Billion-Dollar Investment in Vietnam

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh meets with executives to discuss expanding Vietnam's role in semiconductor manufacturing and technology innovation.

Vietnam's upgrade of ties with major partners reflects enhanced political trust: minister

Vietnam's elevation of relations with major and important partners reflects the strongly enhanced mutual understanding and political trust between the country and the partners, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son told a question-and-answer session on March 18.

Scholar analyses why US should recognise Vietnam as market economy

The newly elevated relationship between Vietnam and the US to the comprehensive strategic partnership not only deepens the two countries' diplomatic relations but translates as an opportunity for Washington to upgrade Vietnam's recognition as a market economy, said James Borton - a non-resident senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute (FPI) of the Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Ensuring Tranquility in the Gold Market

The existing significant disparity between domestic and international gold prices has reached an unreasonable level, contributing to the escalation of gold smuggling.

Export Prospects for 2024: Positive Outlook for Vietnam

In the early stages of the year, several export industry sectors in Vietnam have displayed promising signs of improvement. As a result, meeting the export growth target of 6% set for 2024 is deemed entirely attainable.

Swissport to help Vietjet Air develop air cargo services

Swissport has struck a deal with Vietjet to support and advise the Vietnamese low-cost airline in developing air cargo handling services and managing air cargo centres to the highest international standards.

Vietnam: a magnet for foreign investors

Foreign investors continue to eye expansion in Vietnam to tap into local potential and strategies.

PM attends Việt Nam-Australia Business Forum in Melbourne

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính attended the Vietnam - Australia Business Forum in Melbourne on March 5 morning (local time) as part of his ongoing trip to Australia to attend the ASEAN - Australia Special Summit and pay an official visit to Australia.

Vịnh Hạ Long đầy rác, tour du thuyền sợ mất khách

Tour du thuyền trên vịnh Hạ Long và vịnh Lan Hạ được nhiều du khách yêu thích. Tuy nhiên gần đây, nhiều khách quốc tế bày tỏ sự thất vọng khi nơi đây nhiều rác thải.

Northern provinces expand cooperation with China's Guangxi province

China's Guangxi province is willing to work with the Vietnamese provinces of Ha Giang, Quang Ninh, Lang Son and Cao Bang to realise common perceptions reached by the high-ranking leaders of the two Parties and States, thus further deepening the relationship between the two countries, said Liu Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee of China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

US considers upgrading Vietnam's economy status

The US is considering the recognition of Vietnam as a market economy, which means that Vietnamese goods entering the US would avoid many risks caused by trade barriers.

Over USD 21.7 million of credit package for social housing development disbursed

As many as VND 531 billion (USD 21.7 million) under the VND 120 trillion credit package for social housing development has been disbursed, according to Director General of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)'s Department of Credit for Economic Sectors Ha Thu Giang.

Canadian enterprises learn about Vietnamese market

The Export Development Canada (EDC) recently coordinated with the Vietnamese Trade Office in the country to organise a seminar to update Vietnam's economic situation and evaluate its performance in the global supply chain.

HCM City lures green investments to boost sustainable development

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's biggest economic hub, is working to lure both domestic and foreign green investments, towards sustainable development.

Mobilization interest rates reach all-time lows

Since the end of 2023 until the present, online forums have been consistently buzzing with inquiries about banks offering attractive deposit interest rates or when deposit interest rates are expected to rise again.

Big 4 State-Owned Banks Lag Behind Private Counterparts

Despite the State-owned commercial banks, commonly referred to as the Big 4 (Vietcombank, VietinBank, Agribank, and BIDV), maintaining substantial profits in the billions of dollars, their progress in increasing charter capital has been sluggish. Notably, private joint-stock commercial banks have outpaced the Big 4 in charter capital rankings, marking a concerning trend in recent years.

Year of the dragon: Vietnamese Lunar New Year festival in Montreal

Montreal's Vietnamese community celebrated a Lunar New Year festival Sunday.

HCMC to Focus on Aggregate Demand and Market Diversification

As Ho Chi Minh City seeks to revive economic growth in 2024, a multifaceted approach is recommended, with a focus on bolstering aggregate demand and expanding into new export markets.

Nghe An province continues to accompany and support the WHA Group

The province hopes to continue receiving investment capital from the WHA Group in the coming time, to jointly achieve goals and develop together.

Anticipating Continued Growth in 2024

In a recent interview with Saigon Investment, Prof. Dr. HOÀNG VĂN CƯỜNG, a member of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee, shared insights on the prospects for the year 2024.

The Imperative Need for Catalysts in Green Growth

In an interview with Saigon Investment, Dr. VŨ MINH KHƯƠNG, an Associate Professor and lecturer at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (National University of Singapore), emphasized Vietnam's resolute commitment to transitioning into a green growth model in recent years.

Over VND 3.3 trillion allocated for public investment projects in Vinh city in 2024

This decision was made by the Vinh city's People's Council at its 11th session of the 22nd term, from 2021 to 2026, held at the end of December 2023.

Rare Earth - A Strategic Edge for Vietnam's Negotiation Power

In a bid to reduce reliance on crucial raw materials, the European Union (EU) took a significant step in July 2023 by enacting the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRM Act), specifically addressing the semiconductor industry, also known as rare earth.

Reviving the Private Economy in 2024

The economic landscape of 2023 can be succinctly described with two words: 'challenging' and 'difficult.'

AFL chắp cánh giấc mơ Phần Lan

Liên tiếp 6 năm, Phần Lan được đánh giá là một trong những quốc gia hạnh phúc nhất thế giới theo Báo cáo Hạnh phúc thế giới năm 2023.

Channeling Capital into Affordable and Social Housing

In an interview with ĐTTC, Dr. LÊ XUÂN NGHĨA, Member of the National Financial and Monetary Policy Advisory Council, believes that to boost credit output and subsequently stimulate economic growth (GDP), the sector that could attract credit and GDP growth is affordable and social housing.

Domestic Investors Bolster Market Amidst Foreign Sell-Off

Last week, the stock market experienced tumultuous days as foreign investors engaged in significant net selling transactions, reaching into the trillions of dong. This marked the first instance of foreign investors withdrawing on such a scale since mid-September.

Decree 24 Struggles to Keep Pace

Despite over a decade of implementation, Decree 24/2012/ND-CP (ND24) by the Government aimed at regulating gold business activities and curbing goldization seems to be facing challenges in adapting to the current competitive market economy.

Assessing the Impact of Decree 08 on Corporate Bonds

Saigon Investment recently discussed the effects of Decree No. 08/2023/ND-CP with Dr. NGUYỄN TRÍ HIẾU, a banking and finance expert, concerning the temporary suspension of provisions in Decree 65/2022/ND-CP regarding individual corporate bonds in the domestic market. The conversation also touched upon the potential necessity of extending this suspension, set to expire on December 31, 2023.

Export Industries Struggling to Meet Targets

Many export industries are struggling to meet their targets, and the situation remains challenging despite signs of improvement in the order situation since the beginning of the fourth quarter.

Cẩm nang nâng cao nhận thức về sức khỏe tinh thần cho học sinh THPT

Lần đầu tiên tham dự, nhóm sinh viên trường ĐH Sư phạm TP. HCM đã đoạt giải Nhất Giải thưởng 'Sinh viên nghiên cứu khoa học Euréka 2023'. Đứa con tinh thần 'Tầng thượng trên không' là sản phẩm của đề tài 'Xây dựng cẩm nang nâng cao nhận thức về sức khỏe tinh thần cho học sinh THPT'. Dự án được Hội đồng Ban Giám khảo và các chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực Tâm lý học đánh giá có tính thực tiễn và ứng dụng cao khi ngày càng nhiều học sinh THPT có các vấn đề liên quan đến sức khỏe tinh thần.

Những lời chúc tiếng Anh đơn giản và ý nghĩa trong mùa Giáng sinh

Những câu chúc mừng Giáng Sinh bằng tiếng Anh đơn giản và đầy ý nghĩa sẽ giúp bạn mang đến cho bạn bè, người thân hay một nửa kia của mình giây phút ngọt ngào, ấm áp và tràn đầy yêu thương trong mùa Giáng sinh này.

USD Declines: Signs of Foreign Capital Returning to Vietnamese Stocks?

The USD index has experienced a significant drop of nearly 3.5% since its peak in early October, reaching its lowest level since the end of August.

Mr. Thai Thanh Quy invites India's leading conglomerate to research investment opportunities in Nghe An

During his working trip to New Delhi, India, Mr. Thai Thanh Quy - Member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee worked with representatives from Adani Group.

HCMC Invests 2,000 Billion VND in Expanding Road to Cat Lai Port

The People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City (UBND TPHCM) has submitted a proposal to the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council (HĐND TPHCM) to increase the total investment amount to 2,075 billion VND (an increase of 660 billion VND) and extend the implementation period by 6 years, from 2016 to 2026. This is for the project to upgrade a 2km stretch of Nguyen Thi Dinh Road from Giong Ong To Bridge to My Thuy Bridge.

The red persimmon season in the Hmong village of Nghe An

The persimmon trees laden with fruit shed all their leaves when winter arrives in the villages of the Hmong people in Ky Son district, creating a rare and beautiful sight. Everywhere is aglow with the red color of ripe persimmons, dispelling the cold of winter.

Tổng hợp những lời chúc Giáng sinh bằng tiếng Anh hay nhất

Những câu chúc mừng Giáng Sinh bằng tiếng Anh hay nhất sẽ giúp bạn mang đến cho bạn bè, người thân hay một nửa kia của mình những giây phút ngọt ngào, ấm áp và tràn đây yêu thương.

Navigating Global Challenges and Maintaining Vietnam's FDI Momentum

Despite the global economic uncertainties that have characterized recent years, Vietnam has maintained its position as a magnet for foreign direct investment (FDI), highlighting the country's resilience and attractiveness as an investment destination.

The unique Nga My market fair

The Nga My market fair (in Tuong Duong district) is an appealing destination for numerous local and non-local tourists. It's not just the place for buying, exchanging goods, but also a venue for gatherings and cultural exchanges among the ethnic community.

Vietjet's new route connects Vientiane to Ho Chi Minh City

Vietjet and Lao Airlines today signed a comprehensive partnership agreement and Vietjet on the same day also announced a new route opening between Laos capital city of Vientiane and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. The event took place in the presence of Vietnam National Assembly Chairman, Vuong Dinh Hue, Laos National Assembly Vice Chairwoman, Sounthone Xayachak, and leaders from the two countries' ministries and authorities.

Trí tuệ nhân tạo và thách thức đối với bảo đảm quyền con người ở Đông Nam Á

Trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) đã và đang thay đổi thế giới của chúng ta, từ cách làm việc đến tận hưởng cuộc sống, từ chăm sóc sức khỏe đến giáo dục, quản trị và vận hành xã hội.

'Bữa trưa công sở' – nét mới trong văn hóa ẩm thực Hà Nội ngày nay

Hà Nội tiến hành công nghiệp hóa và hiện đại hóa một cách nhanh chóng, hình thành nên cơ cấu xã hội đô thị với những tầng lớp và nghề nghiệp khác nhau. Đặc biệt, xuất hiện ngày càng đông đảo tầng lớp người là nhân viên tại các công sở, văn phòng. Nhóm đối tượng này với hoạt động trong thời gian nghỉ trưa là đối tượng nghiên cứu chính của vấn đề . Để cung cấp những căn cứ khoa học cho kết quả nghiên cứu, vấn đề đã tiến hành khảo sát 250 người làm việc tại các văn phòng, công ty, cơ quan nhà nước tại Hà Nội thông qua hình thức trả lời bảng hỏi và ghi nhận được nhiều kết quả đáng chú ý.

Techfest - Whise 2023 opens in HCMC

Exhibitors introduce innovative products and projects at two-day startup event.

Banking Restructuring: Challenges and Capital Sources

In a discussion with Saigon Investment, Dr. CẤN VĂN LỰC, a member of the National Monetary and Financial Policy Advisory Council, shared his insights on the challenges facing the current banking restructuring project, including the causes of resource shortages and unfavorable market conditions.