China Overtakes the US as Top Buyer of Vietnamese Agricultural Products

In the year 2023, China outpaced the United States to claim the position of the primary consumer of Vietnamese agricultural, forestry, and fishery products. As we step into 2024, anticipation remains high for this market, particularly following the recent business expedition by the delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Big 4 State-Owned Banks Lag Behind Private Counterparts

Despite the State-owned commercial banks, commonly referred to as the Big 4 (Vietcombank, VietinBank, Agribank, and BIDV), maintaining substantial profits in the billions of dollars, their progress in increasing charter capital has been sluggish. Notably, private joint-stock commercial banks have outpaced the Big 4 in charter capital rankings, marking a concerning trend in recent years.

Bùng nổ ô tô phổ thông hiệu năng cao tại Việt Nam

Chỉ trong năm 2023, có tới ba mẫu xe hiệu năng cao phổ thông được bán và giới thiệu tại Việt Nam.

Vietnam-America Semiconductor Opportunities

In the 1990s, the US semiconductor industry held a dominant position in the global semiconductor manufacturing market share. However, over the following three decades, the US shifted towards establishing semiconductor factories abroad, primarily in Asian nations.

OPEC duy trì dự báo nhu cầu dầu năm 2024 vẫn tăng dù giá giảm

Tổ chức các Nước Xuất khẩu Dầu mỏ (OPEC) hôm 13/12 vẫn giữ nguyên dự báo trước đó về tăng trưởng nhu cầu dầu toàn cầu tương đối mạnh trong năm 2024, đồng thời lên tiếng chỉ trích các nhà đầu cơ khiến giá dầu thô giảm vào giai đoạn gần đây.

Vietnam Ranks 43rd in Logistics Efficiency Index

According to a report from the World Bank, Vietnam holds the 43rd position in the Logistics Performance Index (LPI), leading the fifth group of countries in ASEAN, trailing behind Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and sharing the same position with the Philippines.

Navigating Global Challenges and Maintaining Vietnam's FDI Momentum

Despite the global economic uncertainties that have characterized recent years, Vietnam has maintained its position as a magnet for foreign direct investment (FDI), highlighting the country's resilience and attractiveness as an investment destination.