Opportunities for cooperation between Vietnamese and Singaporean enterprises.

In January 2, 2020, leaders of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (VINASME) welcomed and discussed with the representative of Singapore Enterprise Development Agency (Enterprise Singapore) in Hanoi on the connection and supporting businesses of two countries to cooperate and explore markets.

According to Ms. Bui Thi Hong Anh, Chief Representative of Enterprise Singapore in Hanoi, Enterprise Singapore is a Government agency under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Singapore. Enterprise Singapore is headquartered in Singapore, with 37 offices worldwide, including 2 offices in Vietnam, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Enterprise Singapore is appointed by the State and the Government to support Singaporean enterprises in capacity development, technology enhancement, market development and offshore investment. Enterprise Singapore is also a commercial organization of Singapore.

 Overview of the meeting.

Overview of the meeting.

“As a representative of Singapore Business Development Agency in Hanoi, our role is to connect with enterprises ofboth countries to help Singapore businesses expand their markets in Vietnam through form of cooperation with Vietnamese enterprises ", Ms. Hong Anh shared.

At the meeting, Ms. Hong Anh expressed her desire to learn more about VINASME and its activities, as well as the plan of activities to be implemented next year, and hoped to have an opportunity to cooperate with VINASME in connecting businesses of the two countries, especially the member enterprises of Enterprise Singapore and VINASME

In a survey of Enterprise Singapore, Vietnam is the most attractive market in Southeast Asia for Singaporean enterprises, and 70% of Singaporean businesses supported are small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Ms. Bui Thi Hong Anh (center) - Representative of Enterprise Singapore expressed her hope to cooperate with VINASME.

Ms. Bui Thi Hong Anh (center) - Representative of Enterprise Singapore expressed her hope to cooperate with VINASME.

"I see many similarities between Singaporean and Vietnamese SMEs and we recognize some areas that they can cooperate, such as the consumer goods sector, manufacturing and services " Ms. Hong Anh said.

Enterprise Singapore's operation is to help Singaporean businesses understand the opportunities in Vietnam through business delegations and events such as Business Working. Those activities concentrate in the field of food production, distribution, retail, F&B or health and education. These are the areas that Singapore is interested in and Vietnamese businesses also need to improve the quality of service.

“This year, there will be some enterprise delegations from Singapore to Vietnam to discuss more with VINASME about the opportunities to connect member companies of both sides in the above areas”.

On behalf of VINASME, Mr. To Hoai Nam - Standing Vice President and General Secretary, hopes to cooperate with Enterprise Singapore in a specific program in the near future to support the business community.

According to Mr. To Hoai Nam, this is a good cooperation opportunity, when the Singapore expressed determination and long-term strategic intention to work with Vietnam. He believes that Vietnamese goods will meet the requirements of Singapore or other partner countries.

Mr. To Hoai Nam and leaders of VINASME

Mr. To Hoai Nam and leaders of VINASME

Regarding the cooperation proposal, Mr. To Hoai Nam seeks for specific requirements for Vietnamese products because many of them have met Global Gap standards but the consumption channel is quite week.

VINASME also proposed a delegation of member enterprises to Singapore to learn and visit some business models there. If this activity will open a long-term cooperation between the two countries.

The two sides agreed to cooperate more closely to achieve the set goals and achieve certain successes in the coming time, thereby supporting businesses, especially SMEs, as well as helping enterprises of both sides distribute and sell more goods.

Hoàng Lân

Nguồn Doanh Nghiệp: http://doanhnghiepvn.vn/english/opportunities-for-cooperation-between-vietnamese-and-singaporean-enterprises/20200105111747271