Industry insiders: Now the right time to commercialize 5G in Vietnam

5G should be commercialized in Vietnam in 2023 and into 2024, insiders tell VnEconomy webinar on August 25.

Speakers at the VnEconomy webinar on August 25.

Speakers at the VnEconomy webinar on August 25.

This year and next is a favorable time to commercialize 5G in Vietnam, experts and businesses in the telecommunications and technology sector said at a webinar discussing the development of “Make in Vietnam” 5G devices and opportunities to promote 5G service commercialization held by VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic Times on August 25.

And for the successful deployment of the fifth generation of wireless cellular technology, it is essential to have network infrastructure including licenses and frequency bands, and readiness in an ecosystem of devices and apps.

5G has been identified as important infrastructure for promoting digital transformation, developing the digital economy, and meeting needs in IoT connections and smart development.

The technology is rapidly expanding around the world, with 247 mobile operators in about 100 countries and territories having deployed it and another 270 operators ready to commercialize it. It is expected that there will be an additional 30 markets offering the service by the end of 2030.

“Compared to the 97 countries and territories that have commercialized 5G, Vietnam has been a bit slow,” said Doan Quang Hoan, Vice President of the Radio and Electronics Association of Vietnam. “In Southeast Asia, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia have all deployed 5G.”

In May 2019, the first call using 5G technology was made in Vietnam, making it one of the first countries in the world to successfully do so.

Nhĩ Anh

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